Public Info Software


Work with the interdisciplinary team at Tyler Tech to create a wireframe for the administrative and client-facing software to manage fulfilling public information requests.

Project Goal:

Make public information requests easier for users to purchase, track, maintain, and fulfill.

My Contributions:

  • UX Design
  • UI Design
  • Wire-framing



Research & Ideation

Once the other team members created a feature list, I worked on defining the user flows for the project and the layout. I also worked to define the goals of different users further.

Administrative Users

I created the dashboard layout to give administrative users an overview of how many public information requests are in progress or completed. The side navigation appears on all high-level pages so the user can easily access the other software's features. The admin user can also manage what standard public information requests appear on the client-facing side, track progress, and complete custom requests.

Administrative Dashboard
Custom Requests

Client Facing

The users on the client-facing side of the software had to be able to select from two different types of requests. The layout also lets the admin user capture the client's contact information. I added a simple toggle between Standard and Custom requests to save page space and limit user confusion. The client facing page branding can be adapted to any agency because of the simple layout.

Client Facing mock up
Review Cart wireframes